Data Set
Open Access
Social issues in the perception of the Russian population (Public Opinion Polls by the Levada Center)
Perception of most urgent problems of the country, own material situation and social inequality / inclination to protest against worsening living standards
Version 1.0, published: June 22, 2021.
Note: A newer version of this dataset has been published Version 1.3
Main category: Social Policy
Curated by:
Andreas Heinrich
Dataset ownership has been transferred. Previous users: Heiko Pleines (until Feb. 14, 2024, 1:53 p.m.)
Additional categories: Public Opinion
Levada Center (2021): Social issues in the perception of the Russian population (Public Opinion Polls by the Levada Center) – Perception of most urgent problems of the country, own material situation and social inequality / inclination to protest against worsening living standards, v. 1.0, Discuss Data,