Data Set
Trust in Social and Political Institutions: Public Opinion in Ukraine (2012-2024)
Merged data from public opinion polls conducted by KIIS from 2012 to 2024
Version 1.1, published: March 5, 2025.
The dataset contains data from a series of public opinion polls conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology from 2012 to 2024 on public trust in various social and political institutions.
To measure the level of public trust, KIIS regularly includes in its nationally representative polls a question asking respondents to assess the extent of their trust in various social and political institutions listed in the questionnaire. These institutions include the President, Verkhovna Rada, Government, Armed Forces, Security Service of Ukraine, Police, Church, media, ordinary people, volunteers, and others. Respondents are asked to express their opinion on a 5-point scale, ranging from complete trust to complete distrust.
The background information includes respondents' socio-demographic profiles (gender, age, education, nationality, occupation, self-assessment of financial situation) and place of residence (oblast, type of settlement).
All survey waves were conducted with samples representative of the adult population of Ukraine (18 years and older), with an average sample size of about 2000 respondents until 2021 inclusive, and 1000 respondents in 2022-2024.
The merged dataset includes 10 polls for the period of 2012-2024 with a total of 17,221 respondents.
The data is available in an SAV format (Ukrainian, English) as well as a converted CSV format (with a codebook).
The Data Documentation (pdf file) also includes a short overview and discussion of survey results.
New in version 1.1. This version of the dataset includes data for 2024, expanding upon the previous version. For surveys conducted after February 2024, an additional variable has been introduced to indicate the respondent's current place of residence, complementing the existing variable that reflects their place of residence before the full-scale war (interpreted as their permanent residence or home).
Public Opinion Polls Ukraine Political Trust Institutional Trust
Language of data
Comparative Politics Sociology